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Family Customs in Taiwan

Most Taiwanese live in urban areas, particularly modern apartments.  They tend to wear western clothing, saving their traditional clothing for certain festivals.  Women enjoy a higher social status since industrialization along with more freedom.  The underlying values that form the base of traditional values in Taiwan are proper relationships (socially), practical wisdom, along with proper conduct.  The values come from Confucian ethics and since Confucianism was basically developed in rural areas, modern Taiwan is facing the challenge of adapting these values to modern times.  Some of the values have not lost any strength such as keeping "face,"  faithfulness to parents and ancestor worship as well as having a strong work ethic.

Popular activities include traveling to other parts of the world, singing with family and friends, watching TV, and mountain climbing.  Mornings bring about t'ai chi ch'uan advocates who perform these and other exercises in city parks.  Young professionals like to frequent bars, restaurants and discos at night.


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